Thursday, September 6, 2012

Every Story has a Beginning. . .

Mine happens to start at the Airport. 

Mom, Gram and Me.
I had never flown before my trip to Greece, so every aspect of this trip has truly been an adventure in itself. Family and friends met up at my Grandmothers house to accompany me to the airport.
Max and I.
Everyone said their tearful goodbyes and took pictures. 
 For me, leaving wasn't so emotional. I knew I was ready for something new, and that isn't sad. Having to cancel my Study Abroad trip to Italy was probably one of the most unfortunate experiences of my life. You spend an entire semester preparing for this trip, going through the appropriate channels and getting your documents. Then you spend the ENTIRE summer anticipating this trip you've but so much effort into, just to have all of it be snatched away. Looking back, I remember how unreal the idea that I was going to be in Italy actually felt. There was this whole part of me that simply wasn't convinced that it was really happening, and i guess i jinxed myself seeing as I ended up not going. The Arezzo program was pretty cut and dry- The University of Rochester Center for Study Abroad made the entire process clean and simple. They did most of the grunt work. When I had to cancel, I was certainly disappointed. It made the entire Fall semester really tough because I would always think "If I were in Italy it would be like. . ." It was my go-to attitude whenever I felt to sick to go to class or was feeling to overwhelmed. But in the end, Italy was just a dream.
Italy was only the beginning. 

When I went back to my Study Abroad office early last spring, I had every intention of re-applying for the Arezzo Italy Program. I thought of it as making up for what I'd missed out on. 

My Adviser, Ted, had much different plans for me.

And thus, a new dream was born. A 9 month/2 country trip.

Ted and the rest of the office were wonderful in handling everything from applying to Italy, to cancelling the trip and getting my life on campus set up, to helping me finalize my plans for my Jr year.

He believed that I would benefit from a bigger, less structured experience. CYA had everything I'd wanted from Italy, plus all the things I knew Italy was lacking. 

Applying for my Greek Visa was a giant pain in the. . .

Lets just say it wasn't easy.

The FBI managed to screw up my background check application- 3 times.

So what should have been $18 turned into $100+ seeing as i had to go through a different channel.
THEN The Consulate requires you to go to NYC for application. You literally hand them papers and they put it in a pile, staple it, and you leave. 
Simple? No.
They changed their Visa forms before I got there, meaning I had to go BACK to Rochester and compile the remaining items and have them faxed
All of which was SUPER stressful at the time.
The bottom line is that it was all resolved and I can contribute to my blog in a 3rd floor Apartment in Athens, Greece, while listening to busy Eratosthenous st. traffic.  

Getting here was certainly a nail-bitter, but the thought that sticks out for me is that it made it real. Being responsible for my own Visa meant I had a hand in everything. My time and efforts were more invested in the idea of being in Athens for fall semester. I couldn't possibly imagine what it would have felt like to have missed out a second time.

From all this, I really appreciate being here more. I worked for it. I took care of everything and I made it happen. And I am going to keep making things happen while I'm away. 

It's ALL happening <3


Terri said...

Great beginning Morgan! Thank you

M. Ward said...

NO! Thank YOU for reading. The beginnings always the most difficult, but i have a lot of ideas for future posts. We've been kept really busy for now, but i will start to have more free time as the weekend gets here. :]

Anonymous said...

So apparently writing is another one of your many talents...keep it coming! So grateful that spending Summer 2012 was the prerequisite to your Grand Adventure-loved learning all about you and you get an A+ in my book! MISS U BADLY! ---Love, Aunt Kelli

M. Ward said...

Awh :)
Yea, i've always been a writer at heart! hahahaha.

This past summer was awesome and i am so glad i had the opportunity to spend all that time with you guys <3
Glad to know im "passing" with flying color ahahha.

I miss you all too!!
We'll skype soon!!

Love you!