Saturday, September 8, 2012

Can we pretend that Airplane in the night sky are shooting stars?

Well, I don't exactly need to make a wish. . .

Waking up in Athens everyday is enough!

As most of you know, or not. . . My flight to Athens was the very first time I'd ever been on a plane. I fact, I have hardly traveled.

For the most part, it was pretty uneventful.

Sara and I (Both U of R students going to Athens) Met up at the Rochester Airport. Thanks to her and her flight experience, I was able to navigate security and everything  fairly unscathed.

Mini Plane.
Our first flight was from Rochester to Toronto, where we had a 2 hour layover. There were only 9 of us on the flight so they gave us a mini plane. It was roughly a half hour flight.
Boarding was even slightly delayed. One man was called to the plane from the Bar and was escorted into the loading hallway and searched by security. It was kind of amusing. The rest of us stayed in the terminal waiting and taking pictures from the inside of the actual plane. I was able to snap some pictures from my window seat of the first flight. The bonus of the mini plane was that everyone got a window seat! But as you can see from the picture, it wasn't very spacious. Our carry on bags had to be stored underneath the aircraft to preserve space. One woman had to even strap her purse into the seat next to her because it was too big to be stored under the seat in front of her as was required. Unfortunately, I was in an isle seat on my 10 hour flight to Athens, so I couldn't get any pictures. I did get a good view for the entire trip though.
Gaining Altitude.
Canadian Highway System!
View from my window!
The windows of the mini plane were seriously scratched up for whatever reason, so the pictures I was able to get look all torn up and stuff. Although unfortunate, they're better than nothing!  A week before everyone was set to fly out to Athens, CYA sent everyone a complete list of everyone in the programs and their flight information. Sara pointed out that about 15 other people were scheduled on the same connection flight in Toronto to Athens. I had made it a priority to add everyone on the CYA Facebook page, seeing as we'd all be in the same program anyway.  I sent out a facebook message to everyone I could contact who would be on our flight. Many student were optimistic about us all being stuck at the Air port together. We decided to meet somewhere and pass the time together. As it were, only five of us ended up meeting up at Starbucks, but it was nice to get a head start on socializing with other CYA Attendees.Sara and I got food, shopped a little, and ordered our first legal drinks at the bar! We had to give the bartender our passports for proof of age, and he made fun of our "American" passports for being weird. BUT! In the end we got our Amaretto sours. It was so worth it. Eventually we made our way to our terminal. Sara and my tickets were reserved for the very back of the plane, so we sat down and started a game of skip-BO while we waited.  Much to our surprise, we were boarded first. In line, Sara noticed two girls with CYA tags on their bags.
Landing in Toronto!
Sara! (U of R/ Roommate/ Plane Buddy!)
So we ended up meeting two other students right off the bat. We didn't all get to sit together, at least, I didn't sit next to any CYA students.
I got an isle seat in the middle of the plane. They gave us pillows and blankets and earphones and we took off. There was an elderly couple who got to window seat closest to me. I ogled the view for most of the trip. I'm pretty sure the man noticed this and made an effort to keep my view from being obstructed, even when his wife insisted he shut the window shutters because the sun was blinding her. The ten hours passed slowly. They fed us and stuff. They had movies playing but I didn't pay attention for the most part. Initially i dozed of for a little while with my head phones on. But when I wasn't sleeping, I was looking at the sky. At dinner, I intentionally ordered the wine, hoping it would make me sleepy. It didn't quite work out that way, but eventually, I slept. I woke up early, compared to the other passengers. The sky was still black. There was a light on the wing of the plane and it took me like, fourty-five minutes to realize that no, it was not the moon. I felt silly. I did wake up in time for them to show the Avengers Movie, which was super awesome. So as I watched Avengers, the sky started to get lighter. They served breakfast. By the time the movie ended, I knew that we'd be landing soon. We started getting sea and island views. It was incredible. Everything looked so tropic and clean. We started our descent and Athens rose up to meet us. Soon enough, we'd FINALLY landed in Greece. Over all, the flight was easy. There was a little turbulence at a few different points, but I found it oddly comforting for some reason. Once we landed and gathered our bags, we took out Euro's and made our way to the exit. CYA was there to pick us up, not that it kept us from getting slightly lost in the beginning. But either way, we found our group. The people were super friendly and soon enough, we were loaded into our cabs and escorted to our new home for the next 4 months!

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