Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Graffiti is an impulse to get recognized"

And that is certainly the case in Athens!

While just driving from the airport to my apartment, I was evident that Athens doesn't uphold any kind of laws about Graffiti. Although, if you ask an Athenian, they'll tell you rules are more like "friendly suggestions."Graffiti litters every building and street corning, especially in the center of Athens. Some of it doesn't really seem to make since or have any kind of point. But there are pieces with messages, whether its political, artistic, or what have you be. One thing is for certain, It's everywhere. Their are pieces that are really a treasure, while other pieces are low quality. Either way, I've made it a habit to photograph all the pieces I think are interesting. Here's the first big heap I've put together! I hope you find it as fascinating as I do. 

To see more pictures, Click HERE!!

The password is "GraffitiAthens"


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