Monday, September 17, 2012

“White founts falling in the courts of the sun, / And the Soldan of Byzantium is smiling as they run.”

Our Professor.

This past Friday was our first Museum trip to the Byzantium Museum!

The Byzantium Museum is one of the newest museums here in Athens, as my Professor says "Build before the Economic Crisis." (hehe)
The Museum is not more than a 15 minute walk from my Apartment and as I've mentioned previously, completely free of charge to me. 
It is set up by Century's, Keeping things together according to when they're dated by.
Exorcism Books. 
Our first trip was interesting. We really couldn't take our time and look through everything. We moved through material as our teacher felt fit to explain, and skip other things completely. We didn't make it through much of the exhibit but I am anxious to go back and explore on my own. Some of these paitings and relics are so well preserved its insane.
Early Christian Tombs
Most of what we went though that was Christianization of the Roman Empire. It is interesting to see how Religious symbols were integrated into everyday Byzantium life. They were careful to reinterpret things that the people already thought of as sacred, as to make the transition easier.
I think my favorite thing to see so well preserved are the ancient texts. There are a lot of old books and scribes. The books pictured here are actually old exorcisms. 

For more pictures, Click Here!!
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