Sunday, October 14, 2012

“Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.”

CYA Family Dinners

My roommate, Rebekah, came up with the idea of having Pot luck dinners. The first one was a thurday a few weeks ago. Everyone made the one thing they knew how to make without a microwave and we got together and enjoyed each others company. For the past couple of weeks, we've adopted this as a new tradition in our "CYA Family." Our group has grown to a head count of 12-13 people, depending. There is lots of wine and food and we all just sit and talk and eat and drink. This group has become very close, and its been a lovely change in pace.

The Crew (Photo Cred: Megan Whitacre)
Rebekah really believes that everyone should be eating together. She cooks dinner for our flat almost every single night (tuesdays I usually cook). It's concerned her that so many of our friends often dine alone. Now, we have multiple meals with all the wonderful people we've met here. She even has us do highs and lows of the day/week when we eat together, to make sure we're keeping up on each others lives. It's really adorable. The "crew" is super functional and considerate. Its lovely.

Our weekly dinners have allowed us to get to know each other and bond. Its certainly been interesting. We've had taverna family-style meals, we've gone to pubs and watched movies together.
Its a relaxing relief from the constant hustle and bustle of being in Athens. It is exhausting running from one thing to another. I am very grateful to the siesta because I use it almost every day!
But in case you were worried about us college students not eating right in Athens, I assure you, we've been doing just fine for ourselves.

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