Saturday, October 13, 2012

Crete: Samaria Gorge

Our last adventure in Crete!

Freddy preparing for the hike.
Samaria Gorge is a national park located on Crete. 
It has been occupied by man dating back to Ancient days.
There are old Venetian structures scattered through the park, now abandoned, but preserved.

We hiked straight through it, down hill. It took us about 5 hours. 

It was beautiful, the entire way through. 
I had the opportunity to bond with some students that I hadn't really gotten to know yet, so that was awesome. 
It was nice to do something nature-y for a change.

The View
The highlight of my hike, however, came at the last half of the trek. President Phylactopoulos joined us for the end of our hike, and I had the opportunity to talk to him for awhile. He's very proactive with the students, talking with them and taking an genuine interest in what they're here for and how they're enjoying their time in Greece.
President and Student, Tyler
We had a chance to talk a little about me being a University of Rochester student and how that came to be. It was nice to talk about my home university for a change. He called me "scholarly." It is always comforting to get confirmation from other members of Academia that I have a solid plan and end goal. The encouragement is refreshing.
When we finally finished, a small group of us had a quick meal. And then I ran straight for the beach. It was lovely. 
There really isn't much else to tell about Samaria. It was a visual experience. 

For all the pictures, Click here!! 
The password is, "Samaria"

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