Saturday, December 15, 2012

Peloponnese: Nauplion

A picturesque Sea-side town. . .

During our travels around the Peloponnese, we had the pleasure of staying in Nauplion. It is a beautiful town that comes right up to the water. It also has some interesting history, naturally. 
Island Castle.
The city has a giant fortress, The Fortress of Palamidi,  that spent some time being occupied by the Ottomans. The area has a few old Mosque in town, which were converted back to Catholicism, and back again. 
The area had a few old structures, one of which was out in the middle of a super tiny island off the harbor. 
When we went up to the fortress, there were old canons still in place. We talked about the history and walked around the remains on the hill top. 
The city was beautiful from all angles. The water just felt so close. The Sea water here in Greece might be one of my favorite things. Its so nice to watch the waves crash along the shore and the harbor. It's so perfect and blue. And along the ancient structures, Its just an incredible site to see. 
Nauplion just had a cute little air about it. It was small and cozy and clean. Every building was beautiful and there were flower vines spilling out of balconies. 
We visited a museum there and found some really wonderful places to eat.
Those waves.
The best part, however, was having the best gelato in Greece. This Italian man makes his gelato, Opan- Italy style. We ended up getting it twice while we were there. 
I think Nauplion is one of the best places I visited thus far. It just had such a homey feeling to it and it was so lovely. 
The museum had some interesting things as well. It is located in an old Venetian building in whats called "Constitution Square." The building is just as lovely as its two floors of artifacts. 

For more pictures, Click here!! 
The password is "Nauplion"

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